bus rental in Rome

contact for coach rent in Rome
Noleggio Bus Roma srl

Phone: (+39) 06 9291 5391


"The quality coach hire for tour in Rome, Italy and Europe!"

Milan Expo 2015 by coach from Rome

milan Expò 2015Milan Expo is the event of the year, that in 2015 represents definitely one of the economic engines that will be remembered for a current topic and that sensitizes public opinion around the planet on a very clear slogan : "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life".

Milan city will become the Italian showcase where new business opportunity will develop and where millions of people will come from all over the world to visit this great event.

Noleggio Bus Roma srl has availability of luxury coaches to perform transfers from Rome to Milan for all the duration of the event, from May 1st to October 31st, 2015.

The service we offer is very convenient and many companies have already booked; compared the train or the plane, we offer direct transfers from the corporate headquarters or from the most common meeting points in Rome and we bring you directly in front of the fair, without take other transport.

In addition to the coaches mentioned above, we also have minibuses and cars for smaller groups.

If your visit has a longer stay of one day, we can also integrate transfer services from and to hotels, with hotel reservation.

In addition to companies, many tourists from around the world have chosen us in order to visit the event after spending a pilgrimage or holiday in Rome, and then they will depart from Milano Malpensa (MXP) and Linate (LIN) Airports.

For information, please send an e-mail to info@noleggiobusroma.eu. Our staff will be happy to answer you as soon as possible and offer the best solution for your needs.

Also to knowing the details of the event, you can visit the official website of Expo.