bus rental in Rome

contact for coach rent in Rome
Noleggio Bus Roma srl

Phone: (+39) 06 9291 5391


"The quality coach hire for tour in Rome, Italy and Europe!"

Papal Audience and Angelus at Vatican

adunata alpini 2015 a l'Aquila

Almost all year, on Wednesdays and in agreed days, the Pope receives in General Audience tourists and faithful of all religions and of different cultures who come to the Vatican from all over the world.

You can meet the Pope at the Vatican and listen him not only during the Audiences, but also on several occasions as the Angelus, which is held every Sunday morning in St. Peter's Square, and in some liturgical celebrations held in St. Peter's Square or in the Vatican Basilica.

Transport to Vatican City

On these occasions, the groups staying at the hotel in Rome or surroundings can hire a coach to go comfortably to Vatican City and take part in Audiences, or for transfers directly from Fiumicino and Ciampino airports.

Noleggio Bus Roma srl has several luxury bus and minibus of different sizes, all with permission to circulate in Rome city center and Vatican area, with the possibility of drop-off at Terminal Gianicolo, in Viale Vaticano or Piazza dei Tribunali.

The papal audience on Wednesday starts at 10:30am at the Vatican and before entering, the security check is mandatory and could cause long waits, so you need to go to the Vatican at least two or three hours before the start time; so it is recommended to calculate the time with attention in order to decide the pick up time from the hoPhone:

The Pope's Audience lasts an hour and a half, after which the group can find the bus in the same point of drop off and return to the hotel or make a transfer to a restaurant in Rome for lunch.

What to do after the audience

Rome is a city rich in history and many groups can take advantage of the Pope's Audience to continue the day with a visit by bus of all the tourist places of the capital, as its beautiful squares and fountains, or for a tour of the major basilicas of Rome ( San Paolo Fuori Le Mura, San Giovanni in Laterano, Santa Maria Maggiore), or for a charming walk in the ancient Rome, along the Roman Forum and the Colosseum.

Each visit is obviously customized according to preferences and needs of each group, with the possibility to reserve also a tourist guide in Italian or foreign language (English, French, German and Spanish), on request also in other languages such Russian and Chinese.

To know the schedule of Angelus, Regina Coeli, General Audiences and liturgical celebrations you can visit the official site of the Vatican.

For info and costs of services for groups, please send an email to contact page.