bus rental in Rome

contact for coach rent in Rome
Noleggio Bus Roma srl

Phone: (+39) 06 9291 5391


"The quality coach hire for tour in Rome, Italy and Europe!"

Our Fleet

Thanks to the cooperation of several Roman charterers, Noleggio Bus Roma has a large number of luxury cars and limousines, minibuses and buses.

The luxury cars are all registered for use "rent with driver" and are allowed to transit in the limited traffic areas in the historic center of Rome.

Cars are comfortable and equipped with every optional for the safety and comfort of passengers, available by reservation for visits at any time of day or night, with discrete and professional drivers, even for ceremonies and weddings.

Minibuses are of different sizes: 8, 16 and 19/20 seats type Mercedes and Iveco, equipped with all modern comforts, widely used for meetings and conventions and for small groups of tourists, families or friends traveling together.

Buses are Mercedes, Setra, Irisbus New Domino HDH, Irizar, capacity 25, 30 and 50/54 seats, equipped with a CD player and DVD-color monitor, microphone, air conditioning, refrigerator, toilet, reclining seats and belts safety.

For a necessity of a bus 60 or 77 seats, we need a confirm with considerable notice.

The bus is pre-eminently the vehicle more economical for the traveler, in fact it is the means of transport most used for group travel, defined by many as the ideal means of aggregation to know people and traveling safely.

Visit our Facebook page where you can see pictures of some of our buses and cars, and follow Noleggio Bus Roma srl on social network.

fleet of Noleggio Bus Roma srl on Facebook