bus rental in Rome

contact for coach rent in Rome
Noleggio Bus Roma srl

Phone: (+39) 06 9291 5391


"The quality coach hire for tour in Rome, Italy and Europe!"

Business events and meetings in Rome

Business events and meetings in Rome

Rome is the capital of Italy, as well as one of the best-known cities in the world, so large companies choose it as a venue for numerous business events and meetings where people from all over Europe take part, also with managers of multinational companies of China, Japan, United States, etc.

Companies can be the most varied, such as car manufacturers, banks, insurance, telephone and energy companies, but also others in all sectors such as pharmaceuticals, electronics, etc. which have their headquarters in Rome or in other important cities such as Paris, London, Singapore, New York etc., which need to constantly meet the managers of their subsidiaries from around the world, so they often organize business events and meetings.

Rental of coaches and cars for the business meeting

The management of the events and meetings sector requires a proven experience for several years, we must be very attentive to all the details without leaving anything to chance, have a perfect knowledge of the territory and the routes to be carried out, know how to advise customers on the types of vehicles to be used according to the accessibility of the locations, in fact not all can be reached by bigger buses and sometimes it is necessary to use minibuses with reduced dimensions.

It is advisable to carry out preventive surveys in the various places involved in the event, such as the meeting venue, a villa or restaurant for a corporate dinner, a place of visit or the location of a hotel, in order to ensure the access to the location and route to be made.

Some locations are located in pedestrian or limited traffic areas, so it is important to have a suitable permit and if necessary, authorization of the municipal police to transit in prohibited areas.

During a corporate event, changes in services are frequent and, depending on the needs, there may be changes in schedules, cancellations or additions of transfers, so it is essential that every customer request is promptly met, without causing inconvenience to passengers.

Last but not least, it is necessary to maintain a constant contact with the staff, check in real time the punctuality or delays of flights arriving and departing from the airport in order to coordinate all drivers, verify that each vehicle is on time at meeting point, all even outside office opening hours and on holidays.

Why choose Rome

The proximity of Fiumicino airport, just 30 minutes from Rome center, is certainly a great advantage for the international travel of business people who often travel by air for their work.

Moreover, Rome is a multi-ethnic city and used to welcoming foreign tourists, rich in tourist services such as international restaurants, beautiful villas, tourist guides in different languages, large luxury hotels that can accommodate large groups and equipped with meeting rooms and many modern comforts.

Companies that choose Rome for their event are fortunate to be able to offer their managers and collaborators also a surplus such as a guided tour of a unique city, with all its historical and artistic beauties renowned throughout the world, obviously by coach or minibuses according to the needs.

Please contact Noleggio Bus Roma srl to reserve your services.